Mahatma Gandhi


Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, India, was a political and spiritual leader who played a key role in India’s independence movement against British rule.


Gandhi was trained as a lawyer in England and later worked in South Africa, where he was deeply moved by the treatment of Indian immigrants and became an advocate for their rights. He developed a philosophy of nonviolent resistance, which he called satyagraha, which he used to lead successful campaigns against the British in India.

In 1915, Gandhi returned to India and became a leader of the Indian National Congress, a political party dedicated to independence from British rule. He led several successful campaigns, including the Salt March of 1930, in which he and his followers marched over 240 miles to protest a tax on salt, and the Quit India movement of 1942, in which he called for the British to leave India immediately.

Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolence and his commitment to social justice earned him international recognition, and he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1948. However, his life was cut short when he was assassinated by a Hindu nationalist on January 30, 1948.

Gandhi’s legacy

Gandhi’s legacy continues to inspire political and social leaders around the world. He is remembered as a champion of human rights and a symbol of resistance against oppression. His teachings on nonviolence and truth have influenced civil rights and freedom movements across the globe, including the American civil rights movement led by Martin Luther King Jr.

Gandhi’s impact on India and the world cannot be overstated. He remains an important figure in modern Indian history, and his ideas and principles continue to inspire generations to come.

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